SARC's 17th Annual Walk a Mile Event is
scheduled for April 12th!
Xi Delta Omega - Elegant Pumps ULC
JOIN OUR TEAM! *Scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up!
Ξ Δ Ω partnered with WE CANCERVE MOVEMENT and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc® Iota Alpha Lambda Chapter for the MLK Day of Service. We assembled 400 Snack Attack bags consisting of water, cookies, granola bars, fruit cups, juice pouch, and potato chips for distribution to the Boys and Girls Club in Aberdeen and in Edgewood, Maryland. You can learn more about the WE CANCERVE MOVEMENT here.
February is American Heart Month! Xi Delta Omega kick-started the month off with a Pink Goes Red line dancing class led by the Disco Sistas and Brothas! The success of our event got over 140 people moving and exercising their heart muscle. According to the American Heart Association, "eating healthy and staying active are some of the most important things you can do to prevent heart disease and improve your personal well-being".
Ξ Δ Ω members packed 150 Powerpacks and delivered to Gilpin Manor Elementary School in Cecil County, Md.
Childhood Hunger Initiative Power Pack (AKA CHIPP™)
AKA CHIPP provides weekend and holiday meals for children within local communities and is targeted to be Alpha Kappa Alpha’s most ambitious childhood hunger program to date.
The Experience of Women Veterans Program
Xi Delta Omega recognized women in leadership for Women's History Month on Sunday, March 9, 2025. Together with Women's Army Corps Veterans' Association Army Women United, Maryland Free State Chapter 70, members of Xi Delta Omega and community members gathered to view The Six Triple Eight film depicting the efforts of the 6888th Battalion in supporting American soldiers fighting in World War II. The group spent time discussing historical women soldiers and shared personal experiences during their tenure in the military.
Women veterans sharing their experiences in the military.
Walk with Xi Delta Omega Elegant Pumps ULC and SARC! Visit our page to sign up HERE